Currently Playing: Forbidden Siren (2025)

Currently Playing: Forbidden Siren (1)

Currently Playing: Forbidden Siren (2) 1 Currently Playing: Forbidden Siren (3) 0

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I’ve been on a real horror kick recently, from books to films and especially games. When I (finally) realised that Forbidden Sirenwas available from the Playstation Plus catalogue and I’ve been slowly making my way through the game ever since. The game came out in 2003 so I feel like I don’tneedto put a spoiler warning… but I’m going to just in case!

How difficult can a game from 2003 really be? Apparently, really really hard!

I very very vaguely remembered playingForbidden Sirena long time ago when it was at its height of release. Back then it was too scary for me and I hadn’t turned into a horror fan so getting the chance to revisit was super exciting. I couldn’t really remember anything about this game aside from its super odd graphics where the faces kind of morph between what you would expect from a video game to hyper-realistic looking faces. There’s also a pretty terrible camera to match. I was flying blind but with easier access to the internet for when I inevitably got stuck.

It’s definitely not a game for just anyone because some of the puzzles are just ridiculous, even with guides handy. Though really, who doesn’t immediately think about freezing a wet towel for some guy you’ve never met so he can use it to create a distraction with glass and a piggy bank?

Currently Playing: Forbidden Siren (4)

I love multiple POV stories but 10…?

It took me a really long time to understand what the heck was going on in this game. Honestly, I’m still not completely sold on what the plot is. I love games with non-linear narratives. Forbidden Sirentakes that to the next level by having 10 perspectives including a ten year old girl and a 70 year old. The game is told completely out of order so you have to jump back and forth. I played a couple of levels two or three times trying to understand what’s going on. At times I felt like I needed a notebook on hand to put a timeline together.

The thing aboutForbidden Sirenis that it has a really good mix of old-school and modern survival horror. The first zombie-like enemy that you meet is really intelligent and can hunt you down as you try to escape. In comparison, the next level has less intelligent enemies that you can sneak around. It’s the same with its protagonists. As you go through the days over and over, you play as different people who are stuck in the nightmare. Playing as Harumi may just be one of the most stressful things I’ve ever had to do. As a ten year old trying to escape the madness, you have 0 health, can die from being targeted and move much slower than the adult characters you play as. It never got boring and it’s why I keep going back.

Currently Playing: Forbidden Siren (5)

Look into my eyes

Sight Jack is one of the elements of this game that really push at being a more modern horror game. Whilst it isn’t super intuitive it can be really helpful in those super sneaky levels. With Sight Jack, you can look through the eyes of the enemies or your escort depending on which level you’re playing. I did this accidentally on the first level and ended up getting myself killed because I had no idea what was going on. Honestly, though, that was when I knew I was going to love this game.

Nothing makes sense until you force it to. I love taking a guess at the plot and then being completely wrong because it’s something whacky. Just as you get used to one thing, it’s ripped out from under you and you’re thrown into the deep end. It’s annoying and stressful but so rewarding when you finally figure out how to get stuff done. Even on the simplest of levels I was giving myself a pat on the back because it only took me two attempts rather than four. Ya girl is not sneaky and this game went ahead and reminded me of that again, and again… and again.

Forbidden Sirenis currently available on the PlayStation store for both the PS4 and the PS5!

Currently Playing: Forbidden Siren (6)

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About Author

Alex Crooks

My favourite kind of games are the ones that make you cry… and by cry I mean throw your controller at a wall because I definitely dodged that attack but I’m still somehow dead. Or cry because that jumpscare was just uncalled for and now I need to recover before I can make my way down another scary, dark corridor.

I’m as old as the first Tomb Raider and feel like I’ve been playing games ever since. I’m a Playstation girlie that dabbles in Switch and PC games. Don’t ask me about Bloodborne unless you’re ready to listen to me ramble on for hours.

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    Currently Playing: Forbidden Siren (2025)
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